5 Mouth Healthy Foods For Kids

This winter has been hectic for many families as they get back into the routine of work and school. Just like most of our patients' parents, we are all about quick, healthy snacks! This is why we wanted to share some of the healthiest foods for your child's oral health. The best part is that you can literally take any of them on the go with you as a snack! The new year is in full swing, but that doesn't mean snack time has to be a hassle...


Out of all the crunchy vegetables, celery is the closest to natural dental floss. The firm, fibrous texture is perfect for effectively removing plaque and food particles from between teeth. The reason that most vegetables are great for the health of our kids' teeth is because of the amount of chewing that they require, it actually cleans the surfaces of their teeth too. Firm foods that crunch usually contain lots of water, which is also a terrific natural cleaner for our teeth. We love that celery is so readily available and doesn't break the bank! Something we recommend always having in the family fridge for snack time!


Carrots are known as one of the best cavity-fighting vegetables due to their concentration of vitamin C, calcium, and keratins which all benefit dental health. These crunchy snacks stimulate the flow of saliva that helps to wash away residual food particles and even bacteria. Not to mention that they are packed with some of the most vital minerals and vitamins for our children's oral health. The calcium in carrots is also beneficial in maintaining strong, healthy teeth. The American Dental Association (ADA), states that calcium is a mineral found in many foods, and is essential for forming and maintaining healthy bones and teeth. Carrots are also an affordable and easily accessibly handheld snack! A favorite for our patients' parents! (These are great to add to your dog's "dental routine" too, plus they think it's a treat!)

Leafy Greens

Next on the list is Spinach, Kale, and lettuce, which we know aren't always children's favorites. However, leafy greens are rich in calcium, folic acid, and many other important vitamins and minerals that benefit your teeth and gums tremendously. The crunchy of these fresh greens in your salads, sandwiches, or to complement other meals is also aiding in keeping your teeth clean. If your children aren't fans of these leafy greens there are many ways to sneak them into smoothies, sauces, and other foods you know they already enjoy. We love the pasta products that have "hidden" vegetables in them. Kids can't help that it takes time for their pallets to mature, but we can still consciously help them make sure they get the nutrients they need.


Strawberries are packed with a ton of vitamin C! Vitamin C is known for its antioxidant properties and for its benefits in helping with the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of your body, including our teeth. In fact, it's vitamin C that aids the collagen in the dentin of our teeth to maintain its strength and structure over time.

The Vitamin C, antioxidants, and malic acid, that Strawberries are packed with can even naturally keep teeth whiter. Other fresh foods rich in vitamin C include apples (more mouth-healthy recipes), pears, strawberries, pineapples, tomatoes, broccoli, bell peppers, and cucumbers.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are some of the healthiest snacks for your teeth. They are full of elements vital for our health, such as calcium and phosphorus. There are many nuts and seeds to choose from, they all have health benefits. Some of the healthiest of them are almonds, Brazil nuts, and cashews. All of these are known to help fight the bacteria that lead to tooth decay and periodontal disease. Peanuts and Almonds have been shown to benefit our teeth and gums, as they are a great source of calcium and vitamin D.  Cashews are known to stimulate saliva, which naturally washes away residue and plaque. Walnuts are one of the overall healthiest nuts, containing everything from fiber, folic acid, iron, thiamine, magnesium, iron, niacin, vitamin E, vitamin B6, potassium, and zinc.

We love helping our parents pick the healthiest snacks for their children! A healthy life starts in the kitchen, a healthy mouth is no different. The last few years we have spent more time at home and many of us have spent more time in the kitchen too! Here are some ways to ensure your family is snacking right, avoiding unhealthy foods, and also getting health benefits as you share more time together at home. We are always here to offer advice and support to our patients and families of the greater San Antonio area. Please feel free to reach out to us about any questions you have or with assistance in setting up an appointment for your little ones.

1 Response

  1. I want these too!
  2. More recipes, please!!!
  3. Elizabeth T
    These are great ideas for the kiddos!
  4. Jiu
    Wonderful post! Thank you!
  5. Ellenor E
    Carrots are our favorite!

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