Ultimate Back-To-School Braces Survival Guide!

Back-to-school is an exciting time, especially for teens! Each year brings new fun adventures as well as challenges. One of the challenges that many teens face is surviving braces! With all the leisure of summertime, many teens forget how tricky braces can be during the school year. This is why Medical Center Children's Dentistry has created this back-to-school braces survival guide with all of the things your teens will need for day-to-day dental care!

Pocket mirrors can be a lifesaver during lunch!

Lunch is one of the craziest times for bathroom lines in most schools. But what does this have to do with braces? Some kids feel self-conscious and certainly don’t want to be caught picking their unwelcome lunch leftover out of their braces in the school bathrooms. The easiest solution is a little pocket mirror. This way they can fix the problem anywhere and anytime!

Ortho wax can be a teen’s best friend!

Ortho wax looks pretty dull and anyone who has had braces can tell you it tastes like…nothing (literally)! So what makes this such a vital item in the survival guide? Braces tend to cause some friction along the inside of your teen’s lips. This is especially common during meals or physical activities such as sports! Taking a small ball of wax and placing it on the bracket that is causing the sore is usually a very relieving solution.

Ortho bands are always a necessity!

Some ortho patients need rubber bands as part of their treatment. It never hurts for your teen to keep a few extra on hand, especially during school, as these rubber bands are known to break. If your teen’s ortho treatment requires rubber bands, then it is vital that they use them on a regular basis or it can set the treatment timeline back.

Dental water picks are great for the fast pace of school!

Kids don’t get very much time in between classes, especially in middle and high school. In fact, some kids barely have enough time to get from one class to the next! A water pick can make those moments of need that every ortho patient faces a breeze!

Nothing beats a toothbrush and toothpaste!

There are many solutions to help ortho patients ensure that they are comfortable and maintain great oral hygiene. However, nothing works quite as well as a toothbrush and toothpaste. While it may not be used as much as the other solutions, it is great to have in situations where the quick fix tools may not cut it.

Wisp that plaque away, even while running to class!

Colgate Wisps are a great way to keep your teeth fresh, clean on the go! They are tiny and quite efficient for their size. Not to mention that they also function as a pick which can be great when your teen really needs a quick fix after lunch!

Ortho flossers are perfect for school!

Flossing is a pain, even more so with braces. However, it is one of the most important things that your teen can do for their oral hygiene with braces. Braces cause plaque to build up faster! This means that your teen should be brushing and flossing more often. Ortho flossers make flossing with braces a breeze, giving teens the efficiency they need to floss on the go!

With this back-to-school braces survival kit, your teen will be ready to take on any situation school or lunch throws at them! For more tips on your child’s ortho care or back-to-school tips, such as dental healthy lunches, check out Dr. Casey's other Articles, or feel free to contact us.

1 Response

  1. Very helpful! :)
  2. Jackson
    Wow these are great and simple. Thanks from a single dad!
    • whereisdrcasey
      Of course, Jackson!

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