Vital Facts About Losing Baby Teeth

Every parent knows that losing teeth is an exciting time for kids and parents too! It means the little ones are growing up and getting their adult teeth. The tooth fairy adds a little fun for everybody! Here’s everything a parent needs to know about kids losing their teeth…


Losing teeth is a process!

Kids don’t lose all of their teeth overnight. However, it is not uncommon for children to be missing multiple teeth at any one time. For most children, losing their baby teeth is actually a 4 to 6-year process, starting as early as 6 years old and often lasting until age 12! It does take a while for their 20 teeth to come in, as well as fallout. This is a topic many parents have questions about and we are always available to answer them.

The Tooth Fairy, more interesting than you think!

Did you know the idea of the Tooth Fairy originated from a variety of other cultures, where folklore taught children to believe a mouse would take their teeth from under their pillow and leave money or gifts? A little Disney magic and pop culture are credited by the Smithsonian with the creation of our current mainstream Tooth Fairy!

With over 90 percent of American families getting visits from the Tooth Fairy each year, it’s no surprise that companies like Visa actually track what the average child gets from each visit. According to Visa's annual Tooth Fairy survey, American children are receiving an average of $3.19 per lost tooth this year, a decrease of 24 cents from last year. The Delta Dental Tooth Fairy Index shows the average rates for the tooth fairy in different parts of the world.


Is there a proper technique for tooth pulling?

Some teeth just don’t want to come out and decide to hang there, literally. This can become uncomfortable for kids. At this point extraction, might be the best solution. Dr. Casey would lovingly extract any tooth a child needs to be pulled. However, sometimes it needs to be done at inconvenient times and parents have to step up to the plate. The “slam the door” trick is not dentist-approved and can actually cause more damage than you would think. Here is the best way to painlessly remove your child’s tooth, based on the American Academy of Pediatrics

Step 1:  Clean your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

Ask your child to open their mouth so that you can get a close look. Wiggle the tooth to determine the looseness. This is so you can ensure the tooth is ready to come out.

Step 2: Let your child make the final decision based on what you saw in their mouth.

If the tooth appears to still have strongly attached roots it may not be ready to remove. It's okay, to be honest, and advise them that pulling it at this time might cause pain and bleeding. Do this to encourage your child to wait and continue wiggling to loosen it. If the tooth seems loose enough or is just hanging by a thread of root, then it is probably ready to come out!

Step 3: Place a piece of gauze around your child’s tooth.

If your child wants to pull their tooth out on their own, then help them grasp the tooth firmly through the gauze. Suggest that they move their tooth gently before actually twisting, so as to gauge the potential pain. As long as your child wants to proceed, tell them that whenever they’re ready, they should twist the tooth quickly to pull it out.

Step 4: Place a clean piece of gauze over the tooth’s hole to stop the bleeding.

Depending on what tooth is lost, eating a softer diet for a few days may help your child adjust to their new bite!

Losing teeth can be fun for both children and parents so make the most out of the “Tooth Fairy years.” Many parents wonder about the tooth losing and coming in process, especially the timing, so we have even created a guide to ensure parents are prepared. If your child needs a tooth extracted or just to learn more about their teeth, feel free to contact us at Cowabunga Kids!

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  1. Thanks for the facts!

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